by Frederick Prinzivalli
Oswego, NY- The Oswego Film Club recently held their annual 48 Hour Genre Film Festival. In this event, teams were assigned a film genre and had two days to produce a film. The resulting short films were screened Saturday and awards were given to the best ones. These awards included audience choice, best performance, best editing, and overall best film.
Brandon Cortes participated in this event and had this to say, “The film festival was always fun, of course its competitive, I’m competitive, my team and I we tried for it but didn’t win anything.” participant Brandon Cortes said. “But it was still fun to see everyone’s films and projects, everyone tries hard.” 
Cortes went on to explain his strengths and weaknesses when it came to creating his team’s film.
“The most difficult was the acting because the acting, believe it or not, is actually the most important part of the movie itself because its better for one person to show what they have out there and whatever you have in your script, the actor reads off of that. They make the story come to life,” he said.
For more information about how to get involved with next year’s festival, like the Oswego Film Club’s Facebook page or follow them on Twitter at @ozfilmclub.