Wednesday: Temperatures in the 60s today. 20% chance of rain in the afternoon and
evening. Winds around 20mph with gusts hitting close to 30mph.
Thursday: Temperatures in the mid-60s. Winds 15-25mph. 40% chance of rain starting
in the mid afternoon and increasing to 100% for Thursday night as thunderstorms move
into the area.
Friday: Temperatures decrease to the mid-50s and low 60s with an 80% chance of rain
throughout the day. Winds 15-20mph.
Highs for Today (Wednesday):
- Oswego: 64℉
- Fulton: 65℉
- Syracuse: 62℉
Lows Tonight:
- Oswego: 53℉
- Fulton: 53℉
- Syracuse: 53℉
Highs for Thursday:
- Oswego: 67℉
- Fulton: 68℉
- Syracuse: 66℉
Lows for Thursday:
- Oswego: 52℉
- Fulton: 54℉
- Syracuse: 54℉
Highs for Friday:
- Oswego: 53℉
- Fulton: 60℉
- Syracuse: 61℉
Stay tuned to WTOP10 News for more updates.