The month of October is always composed of haunting attempts and scares as Halloween approaches on October 31, however one trick that tends to stick around all year is phishing emails and other scams that invade campuses and effect students all across the nation. It is because October has been deemed Cyber Security Awareness Month. This is an annual campaign that is utilized in order to raise awareness about cyber-security. As technology has become so prevalent in our everyday lives, cyber-security is relevant and should be recognized by everyone in the Oswego community.
According to the Department of Homeland Security, National Cyber Security Awareness month is designed to engage and educate public and private sector partners through events and initiatives to raise awareness about cyber-security, the purpose is to provide people with tools and resources needed to stay safe online, and increase the resiliency of the Nation in the event of a cyber incident.
To bring light on cyber-security SUNY Oswego has launched its first annual Phishing Tournament through Campus Technology Services. The goal of this tournament is to raise awareness to the cyber threats placed on the campus through phishing emails.
The tournament rules are simple, every time a student receives a phishing email on their SUNY Oswego email account, they can forward that email to with the subject reading “Contest Entry.” Every time a new phishing email is forwarded, the student will be entered in a drawing for an amazon gift card. The winner will receive a $50 gift card, second winner will receive a $25 gift card, and third place will be given a $10 gift card.
Phishing emails often trick people into giving away private information that can be used in illicit ways. Campus Technology Services would never ask for personal information via email, however still advise everyone to check the sender on every email they get and hover over any attached links in the email to see where they go just to be safe. The best thing to do after accidentally interacting with a phishing email in any way would be to change the password to your email account.
The first annual CTS, Campus Technology Services, Phishing Tournament will run from October 1 through October 30, and the winners will be selected on Halloween.