by Stefanie Sciolaro, WTOP10-TV
Ironically, this week’s Meeting of the Senate, happened to fall on Election Day. Though, the excitement of the close race did not affect proceeding by any means. After talk of the election subsided, the meeting was called to order at 6:03. With roll call taken, quorum reached, and minutes and agendas approved, the meeting began. Dr. Howland the Advisor of Student Associations, was also present at this week’s meeting.
Two representatives from the Oswego State Crew Team were the Senate’s first guest speakers of the night. The club’s Treasurer, Greg West, and Head Coach, Matthew Stufano, presented the Senate with a powerpoint touching on various subjects. Their presentation gave a brief explanation of who the crew team is, why they need help from SA, and an overview of what the team will need in the future.
The crew team has been around for over three decades, and it is only in recent years they have seen their highest participation and success rates of all time. During the weekend of October 22nd, high winds severely damaged one of the most important boats they own. The two speakers stressed that this boat damage has the ability to affect the stability of the team. Because of this, they came asking the Senate for assistance in helping to pay for its repairs. Invoices from various companies, along with contributions the crew team can afford, were discussed. The guests also asked for the SA’s support and endorsement on future plans to have a boathouse built for the crew team. This would help defer costly damages like such from happening again.
The next guest to the Senate was a representative from the International Student Association, she is the current Treasurer of the organization. This organization helps to better acclimate international students to SUNY Oswego. They hold and participate in multiple events that work towards making these students feel more at home during their time here in the U.S. This organization is open to both international and American students. The Treasurer came before the Senate to discuss her organization’s budget issue: the prior Treasurer had not submitted a budget for this academic year. As a result , she had come to shed light on the issue and gain the proper funding of the International Student Association for the remainder of the year.
After hearing from the International Student Association, Imani Cruz, the Assistant Director of the Student Association Programming Board (SAPB), came to advertise her need for an events/social coordinator for SAPB. This job entitles various tasks including tabling, poster making, assisting with Ozfest, and more. If you have any questions, want more information, and/or are interested in this position, please contact Imani via email: or her personal oswego email if given.
Closing up the guest speakers for the evening was the Director of Public Relations, Emily Stasko, with a presentation on the Study Abroad Program. There are over 80 programs in 30 different countries offered, with various programs depending on your major. If a program is not offered through SUNY Oswego, students also have the opportunity to go through another SUNY school that offers the specific program they’re looking for. There are four program options: Quarter Courses, Courses with Optional Travel, Summer, and Semester. Each of the program options offer different durations of travel and are during different times of the year to best fit students’ needs. Stasko emphasized the advantages studying abroad brings: developing global and multicultural skills, a fantastic resume builder, connections and networking internationally.
She also touched on ways to pay for a Study Abroad Program. Financial aid, scholarships, loans, and many other options can be put in place to help students pay for their experience. If you have any other questions, concerns, or interest in studying abroad please visit the International and Educational Program Office in Sheldon, room 100 or call (315) 312-2118.
For the first time ever, this week’s Advisor Reports were held for Dr. Howland, who is the Advisor of Student Associations. One of the many topics she touched upon during the night was upcoming events within the I AM OZ “ Diversity Speaker Series Events”. Three event dates she spoke of are closely approaching: November 9th, November 15th, and November 16th. November 9th in Sheldon Ballroom at 6:00pm there will be three guest speakers presenting for the “ Indignation: Indigenizing Campus Culture” : Taiwentonti Chelsea Sunday, Jonel Beauvais, and Wakerakatste Louise McDonald Herne. On November 15th in Marano room 132 at 6:00pm there will be the “An Ordinary Hero” film screening. November 16th in Sheldon Ballroom at 6:30pm Joan Mulholland, a renowned civil rights activist, with be speaking.
The meeting then proceeded into Executive Reports. President Emily Nassir gave updates and run downs on various organizations and meetings she has been apart of throughout the past week.
The structure of this years Ozfest survey was also discussed. Students can expect an entirely different survey to be sent out this year in regards to the event. The survey will be more structured around what students will want out of the event, ticket prices, food, and preferred times of the show. There will no longer be an emphasis of who exactly students want the artists to be, but there will be a comment section to give suggestions.
Vice President Dalton Bisson then clarified that if a student attends Title IX training for one club, he or she may also use that same training session towards another club.
Post Executive Reports, three new legislations were voted on by the Senate. Bills in regards to needs of the Cheerleading Team and Writing Open Forum of SUNY Oswego were both passed by general consent. The last legislation was in regards to the Student Association’s Organization Liaison, both amendments requested were also passed by general consent.
Roll call was then taken and quorum was reached at 8:30pm. With this, the meeting came to a close, just in time for members of the Senate, both Trump and Clinton supporters alike, to watch the rest of the election.