Production Board

WTOP-10 TV’s Production Board is responsible for the coordination and direction of all WTOP-10 programming.  Any show, newscast, or sports broadcast you see on our website or on the air, the Production department is responsible for making.  The Production Board has five members that serve on it including the VP of Productions, the News Director, the Sports Director, Original Productions Director, and the Production Manager.  Each one is specialized to oversee the content produced by their respected departments.  These positions include a lot of responsibility and are vital to the productions.

Alex Brummer

Alex Brummer

OP Director

Madelynn Cummings

Madelynn Cummings

News Director



Michael Shetler

Michael Shetler

Sports Director

Matthew Rivenburgh

Matthew Rivenburgh

Special Events Director

Austin Claus

Austin Claus

Productions Manager