Let’s Talk – program

Let’s Talk – program

by Jake Vanderbroek, WTOP10-TV Students have a new program to turn to if they are stressed, anxious, feeling unorganized, or have relationship problems. ‘Let’s Talk’ is a Counseling Center Outreach Program designed to connect students by providing informal walk-in...
Safe Trick-or-Treat

Safe Trick-or-Treat

by Abigail Buttacavoli, WTOP10-TV Halloween celebrations started early this past weekend on Sunday October, 30. SUNY Oswego held it’s annual Safe Trick-or-Treat day for Oswego families where children from the community dress up and have fun while being in a safe...
Halloween Activities in Oswego

Halloween Activities in Oswego

by Erin Meyer, WTOP10-TV For college students who do not drink, finding a fun way to spend Halloween can be a bit of a challenge. But SUNY Oswego junior Ray Ossino says there’s plenty of options for sober scholars. “I like to celebrate Halloween by going with a few of...