This year’s edition of SUNY Oswego’s ‘Cruising Around The World’ took place this past Sunday, April 7.
Students toured different residence halls on campus. Each residence hall represents a different country or culture, and students are given a passport.
“We have been in Funnelle, Johnson, Mackin, and Sheldon, which are together, plus Riggs, Scales, and Waterbury. We are on our way to Seneca now,” Oswego student Valentina Solonos said.
Food and drink are also provided, for which volunteers are needed.
“I make sure that they come, have fun, and take pictures,” volunteer student Britini Robinson said.
Hart Hall featured the Bahamas. Here students could taste some food from the Bahamas such as piña colada, or experience the music or the culture from the Bahamas. Not only did students learn about the music and the food from the Bahamas, but also some of the slang from the region.
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