by Amada Caba
N.Y.– “We have to come up with punishment that’s far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now,” President Trump said in response to yesterday’s terrorist attack in NYC.
The attack left eight people dead. The suspect is 29-year old Sayufllo Saipov from Uzbekistan who lives in New Jersey. It has been confirmed that the attack was made in the name of ISIS.
The president said he views the way the United States prosecutes terrorists as a laughing stock. The president said this in front of the head of the justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
The president’s speech relates to what he has proposed during his campaign which threatened to torture and “load up” suspects in Guantanamo Bay.
Sarah Sanders, the White House press secretary, defended the President of the United States by claiming that he said “the process has people calling us a joke and calling us a laughingstock” and that he was just expressing his frustrations with the lengthy judicial process that comes with cases like this.
Earlier today, Governor Andrew Cuomo called the President’s tweets “unhelpful” and “not factual”.
“You play into the hands of the terrorist to the extent that you disrupt, divide and frighten people in the society. The tone should be the opposite on all level,” said Gov. Cuomo.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also warned people to not stereotype all Muslims as extremists as this would only makes the situation worse.