by Stefanie Sciolaro
Oswego, NY – The local Price Chopper in Oswego County has closed its in-store pharmacy for good. The pharmacy closed on Mar. 22.
The decision was made by the Golub Corporation, who owns and operates 136 Price Choppers throughout New York and its neighboring states. Golub and Price Chopper teammates have transferred all patients prescriptions to the Rite Aid in Oswego on NY-Route 104.
“We are always reluctant to close a pharmacy. But, today, pharmacies rely on economies of scale and the ability to serve a large number of patients. Within some smaller geographic regions, consolidation is the best way to provide those economies,” Price Chopper’s Vice President of Pharmacy Kathy Bryant said.
For patients looking for a new pharmacy, there is a number of options in the Oswego area including Wayne Drugs and Kinney’s on West Bridge Street and Walmart on NY-Route 104.
For additional information about the Oswego pharmacy’s closure, visit Price Chopper’s website.