OSWEGO, NY — Students from Johnson Residence Hall at SUNY Oswego have recently embarked on an overnight trip to New York City. Johnson Hall resident mentor Jerimiah Butler says that this is the first time a member of campus residence life has organized an overnight trip with students.
“It’s an action-packed-like trip. We have no time for, you know, shenanigans here,” Butler said. “But we’re very excited, you know, it’s been a long planning process.”
The journey to New York had consisted of a concert from contemporary worship band, “Elevation Worship,” at the Playstation Theater in Times Square. The group had also made stops at Ellis Island, as well as the Statue of Liberty.
“It’s crazy how, like, it happened, because I wanted to see Elevation Worship for a long time,” student Amber Saint Joi said. “I was like, ‘I don’t know how I’m going to get here.’ And then this trip happened, so it’s like, ‘oh my god,’ so then we’re going to go see the Statue of Liberty, so definitely doing stuff for the residents, especially for all freshmen as well, it’s a new experience since people have never been to New York City.”
Resident mentor Butler hopes for this type of program to be held on an annual basis, with Niagara Falls possibly being the designated location for the next semester.
“We’re just dreaming big,” Butler said. “That’s one thing that my hall director here, Olive, really presses on us, it’s ‘think big.’ She’s been a huge help, as well as Linda, our FYRE coordinator. You know, a lot of meeting across this past month and a half or so, but this trip would not happen without their support.”
With a successful trip like this one, there’s no telling what amazing memories the RMs of SUNY Oswego will help make for students.