OSWEGO, NY— Last week, SUNY Oswego students were ambushed with mountains worth of snow! Many would be surprised by the outcome of this week, being that there is little to no snow at all.
Instead of going out with friends, students like Breanna Walker preferred to stay inside and keep warm. She also gave us some advice on how to dress if students do decide to out for the weekend.
“The key to it is, I stay inside, and if I do go outside I bundle up. I wear two pairs of pants, my sweater and coat, and my snow boots.”
Despite their being such a drastic weather change, the wind chills were still very high. If students feel that they are getting sick, then they have the opportunity to go to Hewitt Union, where Mary Walker Health Center is located. They can also go to the Artville Store where they have medicine, along with cough syrup and cough drops.
“Drink tea and stay warm.” Breanna Walker said. “Make sure not to get other people sick.”
Some are excited to see the snow being that we’re a few weeks closer to Christmas break! Others are not looking forward to the continuous amounts of snow, due to transportation reasons.
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