Reported by: Kayla Murphy
A brand new club has just started here at SUNY Oswego. Their name is Team One Love. On campuses all across America, groups such as Team One Love have begun the conversation that is set out to recognized and provide resources for victims of dating violence.
This issue is one that a lot of people are not aware of happening, when in reality, it is happening all around. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men are going to experience dating violence in a relationship during their life time. 50% of those 1 in 3 women and 40% of those 1 in 4 men are going to experience it between the ages of 18 to 24. That is the age of your average college student.
I spoke to president and founding member of the Oswego chapter of Team One Love, Amanda Kenney to learn more about the group and their mission towards a dating violence free community. “Team one love is each campus becoming a team in this effort to end relationship violence… So it’s just people joining together to end relationship violence and to get the word out and raise awareness in hopes of changing the statistics”.
Team One Love was founded in 2010 in honor of Yardley Love, who was murdered by her former boyfriend. Yardley’s mother and sister started the organization to raise awareness about relationship violence in hopes to stop future women and men from being a victim. The Oswego chapter started just last week and already has upwards of 300 members on the team one love website.
Team One Love will be hosting an event “Yards for Yardley” on May 4th. Different athletic teams / Greek life groups and individuals will be competing to cover the most amount of “yards” to raise awareness about relationship violence. More information can be found on their website –