OSWEGO, NY – Where the temperatures seem to get colder and the work load seems to become heavier, this is the time of the years where a healthier life style is the most important way to get you through these winter months. Sharing living quarters, restrooms and combined social activities makes it easier for students to catch that common cold or flu. But even more so, unhealthy practices like eating junk food, not exercising regularly and not getting enough sleep can have the worst outcome on a students daily life.
“In college I pack myself full of vitamins. I grew up in Virginia and we get a lot of sun and light over there, which vitamin D comes from sunlight,” said Deanna Jones. Well during the winter months we don’t have much sunlight so I take a Vitamin D pill every morning to help jump start my system.”
Eating right seems to be one of the biggest problems for college students. Many don’t realize that this is not only important to consume but to help fight off germs and bacteria.
“I starting drinking propel water. Just the flavor packets to flavor up my water to make sure I am drinking it. That has like 50% Vitamins across the board as opposed to the generic Walmart brand. So its worth the extra 50 cents to get the propel version just to make sure you are getting the electro lights you need and all vitamins you need. Because you need that to fight off any sort of cold or flu.” Said Deanna Jones, Resident student of Oswego
Healwithfood.org has many useful tips on how to eat right on a low budget. For instance, substituting soda with a fruit juice and if your still craving a carbonated drink, add a little seltzer water or ginger ale.
However, if you still need that extra little kick to start eating right, you can see a dietitian right here on campus.