by Owen Marchand, WTOP10-TV
The November Town Hall meeting with President Stanley in the Campus Center’s auditorium attracted a group of students who were eager to ask SUNY Oswego’s president questions on different topics.
These monthly meetings are a great way for students to address any concerns or questions around campus with both President Stanley and fellow faculty members who attend the meetings.
Freshman Ethan Magram, Senator of the Student Association talked about how different campuses have insight on different demographics such as student involvement and asked, “how can we collect better data on students to figure out how they like things on campus, living here, and how they feel about activities such as clubs, etc.” Stanley and other faculty members chimed in by stating how last school year a committee was created to see what students think about. Jerald Woolfolk, Vice President of student affairs and enrollment, mentioned how auxiliary services and residential life do surveys.
Another student brought up the revival of the campus common hour and this was heavily talked about as it took a large point of interest. The common hour is an hour across campus where there are no classes or essentially any activities held. SUNY Oswego used to participate in the common hour, but it was later ended, brought back, and again taken away. The campus held the common hour between 12:45 and 1:00 however, it was voted to be suspended due to conflicts according to President Stanley. Many students and faculty appeared to be interested in bringing it back, however one graduate student at the meeting mentioned remembering how due to the common hour being during lunch time it made the lines at each dining hall very long.
One student simply wanted to thank President Stanley on her email sent regarding the recent presidential election as it brought out many mixed emotions among the Oswego community. President Stanley stated “No matter what happens, we stand together.” She was also amazed at the speak out regarding “The strength, depth of solidarity, humor, and hope for the future.”
One of the last questions for President Stanley was, “I chose this school because I have seen so many advances in the facilities, resident halls, Shineman, etc. How do you and the rest of administration see the future of this?” Stanley talked about how the school’s core values are how the student learns, and having a 24 environment on a campus where students live is also important. This is why many renovations have been made and there are still more to come. She also mentioned how important upkeep is.
The November Town Hall meeting was another success as each student who attended was able to get their questions and concerns addressed and get clarification on anything they were wondering.