Friday: 30% chance of showers today. Temperatures around 50F. Winds 5-10mph with potential to increase to 15mph with showers. Otherwise, mostly cloudy.
Saturday: Mostly sunny with winds 5-10mph. No chance of showers today until the overnight hours. Make sure your car windows are shut going into Sunday. Temperatures in the mid to high 50s. Today will be the weekend day to do outside projects.
Sunday: Partly sunny with 20% chance of showers. Winds 10-15mph. Temperatures in the 50s closer to the lake and hitting 60F further inland toward Syracuse.
Monday: Partly cloudy with temperatures around 50. 40% chance of rain to start the day with a clear up by the afternoon. Temperatures around 50 and winds 5-10mph.
Highs for Today (Friday):
- Oswego: 50℉
- Fulton: 53℉
- Syracuse: 58℉
Lows Tonight:
- Oswego: 42℉
- Fulton: 41℉
- Syracuse: 44℉
Highs for Saturday:
- Oswego: 56℉
- Fulton: 61℉
- Syracuse: 64℉
Lows for Saturday:
- Oswego: 48℉
- Fulton: 50℉
- Syracuse: 52℉
Highs for Sunday:
- Oswego: 56℉
- Fulton: 64℉
- Syracuse: 68℉
Lows for Sunday:
- Oswego: 44℉
- Fulton: 45℉
- Syracuse: 52℉
Highs for Monday:
- Oswego: 48℉
- Fulton: 52℉
- Syracuse: 54℉
Stay tuned to WTOP10 News for more updates.