by Jessica Kisluk

Oswego, NY –

Oswego State has a new Women’s Club Basketball team. The team got its start when Brianna Muncy met girls who showed interest in this type of club that did not exist on campus. She soon found a Vice President and Coach.

The club’s Vice President Raven Coffiel says, “I really have to give her all the credit though; it was really all her own.” Coach Chelsea Flores went to school for coaching at Oswego State and thought coaching women’s club basketball would be a great step toward her athletic coaching career.

The team started out small but is looking to improve and have some home games. They have had games in Binghamton and Hamilton so far, and are looking to play against schools such as Cortland and LeMoyne.

The club team gives the players a chance to play on a less competitive level. They are always looking for new players and  for people to cheer them on.

For more information about the team, you can follow them on Twitter @OswegoClubBBall.